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GHT in The Rye News


The Mermaid Inn

Brave ghost hunters headed to the Mermaid Inn this week, to search out what spooks and spectres reside within its history rich walls.

Kent based ghost hunting company, Ghost Hunter Tours, took intrepid paranormal enthusiasts on a full-blown night time investigation throughout the Mermaid Inn’s 31 unique rooms last Monday night.

Owner, Judith Blincow, opened the Mermaid Inn’s doors to the ghost hunters, offering them a unique, and rare, opportunity to investigate the hotel which has a very long history of hauntings and ghost sightings.

The Mermaid Inn is no stranger to paranormal activity, with the owner and her staff all witnessing occasional and unexplained happenings throughout the hotel.

The staff are not alone in these sightings and happenings, with guests staying at the hotel regularly reporting similar experiences during their stay there.

The Mermaid Inn’s cellars date back to 1156, and the inn, as it stands, was rebuilt in 1420, so with 600, plus, years of history, it is not unexpected that this place is on every ghost hunters to do list to investigate.

During the paranormal investigation on Monday the investigators used many different methods of trying to contact the unseen residents of the Mermaid Inn, these included ghost boxes and EMF meters.

Ghost Hunter Tours also had mediums with them to see what they picked up and sensed on the night.

Some quite interesting, and verifiable evidence was gathered on the night, that has been able to be validated following the investigation, much of this evidence was quite familiar to owner, Judith Blincow, and her team.

The investigation took place overnight, while the hotel was closed for its annual maintenance inspection, so the hotel was completely empty which made ideal conditions for paranormal investigation.

With the results gathered by Ghost Hunter Tours there is no doubt that this location will remain on every ghost hunter’s bucket list.

The Mermaid Inn is in the heart of Rye, in Mermaid Street, and is an extremely popular hotel, bar and restaurant in the town. Ghost Hunter Tours founders said that they cannot wait to return to the Mermaid Inn, as there is still much to discover at this location.

Image Credits: Judith Blincow .

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